Monday, September 3, 2012

FIRST - Robot Game Updates 1-9

This doesn't mean "all the robot has to do is touch the platform."  It means "the only thing the robot can be touching is the platform." 

Since so many people are asking for it, this Update is providing an exception to Rule 21, Bullet 1:  The referee WILL remove any ball from the field (balls fallen from the rack, and/or the used bowling ball), if you ask, or you may do it yourself, but it will be permanent.  This does not affect your one allowable re-use of your first yellow ball for bowling.

The robot has to click the pinwheel directly.  It's not allowed to move the dial directly, or defeat the clicker, or do anything else that would stop this mission from being a huge time drain. The robot's not even allowed to stay in Base and reach out and spin the pinwheel.  If this stuff wasn't clear in the original text, you're being told here.  I do love when you guys find loopholes and I love honoring them.  Heck I plant them on purpose all the time.  But please - every year there's one mission that's supposed to make the challenge impossible to finish. This is for a serious reason.  Leave Base, click once, with or without doing other stuff, go back to Base, come back out, click once more, with or without doing other stuff, and so on.  The dial must move by pinwheel clicks only and only one per outing.  Thank you.

You can't bring balls to the field as scoring objects or as bowling balls.  However, they are commonly used as caster wheels for the robot and that's okay.  This is a custom-boost to Rule 10, Bullet 2.

5 - VIDEO MIS-SPEAK REGARDING BONUSD'Oh!  I said in the video that you start out with bonus points on the cardio dial to lose.  Not true.  Yes, the dial has room to go backwards, but that pre-set isn't charted as a bonus. 

Two things:  First, remember to follow the Field Setup section when applying Dual Lock.  Changes to the Dual Lock specs were made after the mat went into production.  Also, in the Field Setup page, there's conflicting info about how many places to put Dual Lock under the similarity model...  Put 4 - one pair at each corner.

The mission text is wrong/confusing about what the referee will do with the cardio model when you get a touch penalty...  So here it is:  The ref will move the pinwheel one click counterclockwise as viewed from the north.

8 - FIELD BORDER WALL HEIGHT (See Field Setup section for metric dimensions)
People are seeing that the sample table instructions call for "2x3" lumber for the table border walls and thinking they have to make new tables.  Not true.  Notice that the construction diagram has a ± symbol!  The allowable RANGE is 3 inches, plus-or-minus a half inch.  So if you live in a country where standard wood size differs from a United staes "2-by-3, that's okay.  If you're not ready to rebuild your table or tables, that's okay.  If you have or can get wood taller than 2.5 inches for free or a discount, then do it.  I would just like to slowly move the community toward the shorter border walls because overall they are cheaper, lighter, take up less storage space, and allow a better view of the field.

Some people have noticed a 13-point jump between 6-0 and 6-1 on the cardio mission, where it sure looks like it was supposed to be a 3-point jump...  And they want to know...  Is that a typo?  Uhm, er, uh...  No! - I MEANT to do that!  Yeah, that's it!  And it's gonna stay that way.

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